- 22 мая 2016 г.
- Сергей Рубаненко
- comments
The conference will take place during the first days of the Second Group of Shaolin Retreat.
Shaolin Retreat with Master Xu Mingtang
8th - 29th July, 2016 – Shaolin Retreat group I
29th July - 26th August, 2016 – Shaolin Retreat group II
All participants of Shaolin retreat are invited to attend the conference for free. Transportation and meals will be organized.
Venue of the Conference
Chan Wu Hotel
China, Henan province, Dengfeng, Da yu Road, the western part of Epoling.
Tel: (86-371) 62808833/8800
Address in Chinese: 禅武大酒店,中国河南登封市大禹路鹅坡岭西段.
Web-site: www.chanwuhotel.com
Purpose of the conference
- To introduce Image Medicine as one of the effective healing methods, to demonstrate the perspective of it’s future development by integration of Chinese ancient techniques and results of modern research
- Broaden awareness about Traditional Chinese Medicine and affined methods of health recovery and body regulation
- Contribute to creation of conditions of international cooperation in the area of - - - Traditional Chinese Medicine and affined healing methods by means of discussion and sharing of the experience
- Introduce Chan Medicine and Chan tradition
- Introduce Chinese Traditional Physical Exercises
Conference topics
- Image Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Alternative therapies and healing methods
- Chan Medicine and Chan culture
- Chinese Traditional Physical Exercises
We are inviting
- Conventional and alternative medicine professionals
- Medical staff of universities and clinics
- Representatives of international and national health and educational institutions
- Traditional Chinese Medicine specialists
- Image Medicine therapists
- Health exercises instructors and practitioners
- Students of medical schools and other helping professions
- All who are interested in a study and practice of natural healing therapies and self-regulation
- All who are interested in Chan Medicine
- All who are interested in Chinese Traditional Physical Exercises
Conference languages
Conference will be held in the following languages: English, Chinese and Russian
Interpretation will be provided within the frame of specified conference languages
Key note speakers
Xu Mingtang
Founder of Image Medicine
Founder of Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute
President of International Mintan foundation
Sun Yongzhang (China)
Director of International Cooperation Department
and representative of
Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine (CACM)
TCM Professor
Shi Yuan Peng (China)
Main editor of religious
Administration Burou
Shi Yan Lin (China)
Executive Director of Shaolin Bookstore
Founder of Shaolin Institute of Kung Fu and Chan Medicine
Director of Chinese Zen Medicine and Kung Fu Research Institute
Head of China Henan Miao Le temple
Vice-president of Research Association of Chinese Medicine Culture
Founder and President of the World Federation of Dharma
Edgars Vasilevskis (Latvia)
MD, PhD Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine, Osteopathy, P. Stradins University hospital
Researcher in P. Stradins University, Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
Researcher in Beijing Kundawell Institute, Image therapist
Martynova Tamara PhD (Ukraine)
Director of the Joint Ukrainian-Chinese society
“DA-YU” LTD, Kiev, Ukraine
Andrea Vickova (Slovakia)
Chairman of Slovakian and Czech ZYQ Association (SAČ ZYQ)
(Bratislava, Slovakia)
Vapu Osman and Vapu Raushan (Kazakhstan)
Image therapists
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Akimova Tatiana (Moldova)
Image therapist
Chisinau, Moldova
Tertychny Evgeny - Ph.D. (Ukraine)
Executive director of the
International Mintan Foundation
Kiev, Ukraine
Nesterenko Larisa (Russia)
Image therapist
Certified specialist in the field of wellness activity (National Institute of Health)
Moscow, Russia
Preliminary schedule
July 31, 2016
8.00 Breakfast
9.00 Departure to Chanwu Hotel
10.00 - 11.00 Opening ceremony
11.00 - 11.15 Group photo
11.15 - 11.30 Break
11.30 - 13.00 Reports
13.00 - 15.00 Lunch break
15.00 - 17.00 Reports
17.00 - Dinner
18.30 - Wushu performance
August 1, 2016
4.30 Departure to Shaolin Monastery
5.00 Excursion and Morning Chan class at Shaolin Monastery
7.30 Breakfast
9.00 - 10.30 Reports
10.30 - 10.45 Break
10.45 - 12.00 Workshops
12.00 - 14.00 Lunch break
14.00 - 16.00 Reports
16.00 - 16.30 Closing ceremony
Conference will also be attended by researchers in the area of TCM and Image Medicine, Chan Medicine practitioners, representatives of Chinese and foreighn organisations. The results of treatment and research work of various experts from many countries of the world will be presented.
Workshops will provide an opportunity to get acquainted with unique and effective methods of Image Medicine, Chan Medicine and Qigong Physical Exercises on a practical level.
Type of participation
- Visitor
- Speaker / Presenter
Presentations and publications
Participants may apply to present information in any of the following formats:
- Brief oral presentation, 5 - 10 minutes. Please, send the report up to 3 pages for review, translation and potential publication.
- Standard oral report, 20 - 30 minutes. Please, send the report up to 10 pages for review, translation and potential publication.
- Written article or report for publication in the Conference Journal, up to 10 pages.
Workshop or demonstration, 30 - 60 minutes. Please, send written layout for review.
All participants have to fill in the application form to register for the conference!
Deadlines for presentations / materials
Applications for oral presentations and workshops will be accepted till 15th May 2016. All materials designed for publication only must be submitted till 15th May 2016. We will make a selection from the submitted materials based on thematic suitability.
After acceptance of the presentation it is necessary for all presenters to submit a power point or PDF version for review until 15th May 2016.
Please, email summaries and presentations to: edu@kundawell.com
Multimedia equipment and support will be available for oral presentations.
Articles and reports will be published in the Journal of the Conference.
Conference organisers
- Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute
- Shaolin Pharmacy, Chan Medicine and Kung-fu Research Society
- Mintan International Charity Foundation
Conference partners
- Ukrainian Association of Oriental Medicine
- Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine
- Slovak and Czech ZYQ Association (SAC ZYQ)
- Wellness Center “Yellow Tiger” (Moscow, Russian Federation)
- Wellness Center “Kundawell-Rostov” (Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)
- Lido Sports OLYMPIC PARK (Ufa, Russian Federation)
- Club “Planet” (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)
- Wellness Center “Kundawell-Odessa” (Odessa, Ukraine)
- JV “Da Yu” (Kiev, Ukraine)
- Club “Big Sun” (Minsk, Belarus)
- Chisinau club “Big Tree” (Chisinau, Moldova)
- Club “Here and Now” (Almaty, Kazakhstan)
- Tallinn club ZYQ (Tallinn, Estonia)
- Latvian ZYQ Association (Riga, Latvia)
- Club “Arkanas” (Kaunas, Lithuania)
- Wellness Center “ZYQ” (Tel Aviv - Jaffa, Israel)
- Centro Oriental ZYQ Perú (Lima, Perú)
- Slovakian and Czech ZYQ Association (SAČ ZYQ) (Bratislava, Slovakia)
- ZYQ School of Canada (Ottawa, Canada)
- North American ZYQ Association (Washington, USA)
- Qi Gong Marbella (Marbella, Spain)
- ZYQ Cyprus (Cyprus)
- Hungarian Qigong Association (Budapest, Hungary)
Online partners
Official website of Beijing Medical Research Kundawell Institute
https://kundawell.com/en/ (English)
https://kundawell.com/ru/ (Russian)
Image Medicine Slovakia
ZYQ Česká republika (ZYQ ČR)
Official German and Austrian ZYQ Website
North American ZYQ Association
Latvian ZYQ Association
Slovakian and Czech ZYQ Association (SAČ ZYQ)